The Triathlon group of DSZ WAVE is a new, fast growing part within DSZ WAVE. With WAVE we offer all triathletes (of all levels) a lot of training possibilities and sociability.
As DSZ WAVE is a combined swim, water polo and triathlon association, there is a possibility for swimming practices from Monday till Friday. Towards and during the triathlon season special attention will be given to the triathletes during these swimming practices. For the other two disciplines there is a running practice each Tuesday and a cycling tour in the weekend a few times a year.
We also measure the performances of our triathletes with our own circuit: each year there are about 4 triathlons in which we participate with a group of WAVE’rs.
Next to all the practices and triathlons, we eat together a few times a year in the form of TriathlEats, and we participate in the Batavierenrace.
If you’re interested, please send an email to
To prepare for the weekly running practices, the members can find the practice schedule by clicking on this link
Becoming a member ?
Are all your questions answered and do you want to join DSZ WAVE? Please contact the board for an enrollment form.